What can be said about the 370th Anniversary of the 1645 Battle of Naseby.
One word - 'Superb'
Entertainment from 10am in the Village itself, which included 'the taking of the Pub' by Parliament forces too Officers being fed in the Church, a grand parade of both Armies and the little boy thrown over the church wall by a cavalry officer. (said little boy loved it and wants to do it again) on the Saturday and on Sunday a very moving 'Drumhead Service' attended by dignitaries, members of the Sealed Knot and the Public.
Follow this with an excellent Living History Camp on Mill Hill where a hedge become Sulby Hedges and a small camp became the Baggage Trayne which was attacked and Rupert's Horse defeated in Pre-Battle displays culminating in what can only be described as one visiting member of the public put it, 'I felt like I was there, the noise, the smoke, the confusion was totally overwhelming and when at the end of the battle the army charged the crowd, I screamed'.
Thank you has to go to Jon Courtney Thompson, The Naseby Battlefield Project and the Villagers of Naseby and to those members of the Sealed Knot who made the weekend
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!
Day One. As per history on the day before the actual battle the weather was wet and cold.
Day 2. The actual anniversary date of June 14th, the sun shone as they fought.