Whilst trawling the internet for something to do on the Sunday after a wedding I came across an entry form for a Ladies Motorcycle Trial. Interesting thought I, now just to persuade my husband that it would be another challenge to my photography skills.
So after a bit more detective work we found the Bracken Rocks and spent the day surrounded by very enthusiastic people enjoying thier hobby. Some absolute beginners and others who had won a round in the World Championship.
My only concern was the lighting, very strong sunlight filtering through a dense canopy of trees, and because I didn't want to be held responsible for causing any accidents I resisted using any 'flash lighting', so the photos aren't as good as I would of liked but the safety of the riders came first in my opinion.
I'd just like to say Thank You to all those who took part and those that advised me on who was who and mostly where and when it was safe to move.
If you took part and would like an 'e'copy of a photo just drop me an email through my contact page and I'll happily oblige. One young man already has four photos of himself that I took that day. ;-)