An event well organised by Saye and Seles as the Sealed Knot where the star attraction for the bi-annual Church Fete. Members came from as far away as Barnsley to support it and included people from Sayes, Skippons, Blew's, Birch's,Hammonds, Lisles, Hutchinsons, Kings Guard, Manchesters, Northamptons, Rawdons, Gordons, Robartes, Greys, Ruperts, Pickerings, Gells and Corbets (if you were there and I've forgotten to mention your Regiment let me know and I'll add it with pleasure).
As you can tell this was a real mix of Regiments but they gelled together to put on a stunning drill display and then a well organised Skirmish in which Ruperts over ran the Parliament forces in 1642 just after Edgehill.
Congratulations go to Skippons Regiment who put together a scratch team and then went on to win the Cup for the Tug of War.