As paying Members of the Public we went along to the Fernie Country Show, hoping to take photos of a variety of Country Sports. It wasn't as I expected but did have an interesting Gun Dog demonstration with a beautifully obedient Springer Spaniel which enthralled me. Hours and hours of training went into it and the display gave me some idea of what needs working on with my own Springer, in a nutshell, everything.
Terrier Racing was fun, those little fur balls really do shift and the Tug of War was a little one sided with 14 on one team and 18 on the other. But still its the taking part that counts and all had smiles on their faces at the end of the day.
A few from London Brigade led the kids through pike drill and one sole Cavalry chapess looked a real picture of a stunning well mannered steed.
A different afternoon out, but again taking photos of people enjoying their hobby is what I do.
PS. The re-enactor with the ice cream was a set-up. ;-)