Not sure what you can say about this event except to thank Blenheim for hosting the event and Hammonds Regiment for all their hard work, above and beyond the call of duty.
The Dukes lawns rang to the sound of cannon fire, volleys from Musketeers and the grunts of Pike blocks as they clashed together. The 'Family Friendly Military Living History' line of 'authy' tents along the roadway were kept seriously busy the entire day with members of the public both arriving and departing outside of the published opening hours. My special thanks to all those who set up here with their children and to the children themselves the Sealed Knot should thank you for being so well behaved and a pleasure to have as Members.
The only drawback to the entire weekend was the sunburn which left me looking like a lobster for a few days. But packing up five dry 'authy' tents was fantastic, lets hope we have more dry pack ups this year. ;-)