In some respects we were pretty disappointed with the overall event, although there were some fantastic highlights.
The initial disappointment was by following the diversion signs of the M11 at junction 11 it took us a further two hours to get to Duxford, meanwhile groups of Dakota's flew over or heads as we sat in stationery traffic. The first dozen photos were taken while trying to peer upwards out of the car window by my husband as I tried to contain myself in the driving seat.
The next disappointment was due to the weather, rain and wind gusts in excess of 10mph they mass parachute drop was cancelled.
That I think is the end of the disappointing stage of the day so onto the fantastic.
I think my photos will speak more than words so please do enjoy with me what was overall a great day out and only a couple of days before my hubby's flight in the two seater Spitfire. ;-)